In 2009, inspired by traditional British private members club, we created in an old Porfirian Mexican townhouse a unique concept featuring various artistic events from electronic music, classic concerts to movie projection etc. in the heart of the Colonia Roma; years before this neighborhood became the hipster destination it is now. Decorated as a private house, each floor had its own distinctive atmosphere. From the ground floor, more underground where DJs like Astroboy played numerous sets, to the living room on the first floor with its iconic columns, vinyl turntable and old fashion armchairs attracting the likes Quentin Tarantino or Michael Nyman, the mirrored hall where Necorita regularly appeared, the red dining room where the Cojolitos played their famous jarocho and last but not least, the vast rooftop overlooking the trees. La Casa Roma was a multi-faceted alternative club in the heart of the colonia Roma.
Developed in collaboration with Delphine Passot, Raúl Santos Coy, Ruy & Iñigo Villamil
Roma, CDMX, 2009-2011